Community Development
Staff members
Thomas Bergman
Tim Erickson
Email Address
Phone Number
(906) 932-5050 ext. 126
(906) 932-5050 ext. 125
Community Development Department
Welcome to the Community Development Department. The department is responsible for carrying out the City of Ironwood Award Winning Comprehensive Plan which guides the current and future development of the City. The Department is responsible for and manages:
1. Community Development
A. Economic Development and Redevelopment
B. Housing Rehabilitation
2. Geographic Information System (GIS)
3. Grant Writing and Administration
4. Planning
A. Land Use
B. Infrastructure and Community Facilities
C. Parks and Recreation
D. Transportation
5. Zoning Administration and Development Permitting
The department also is a liason to, manages and oversees the following groups:
A. City Commission
B. Downtown Ironwood Development Authority
C. Ironwood Economic Develoment Corporation
D. Ironwood Industrial Development Corporation
E. Ironwood Parks and Recreation Committee
F. Ironwood Planning Commission
The department also provides technical guidance, research, education, and other support.
Staff Contact
Tom Bergman
Community Development Director
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 126
Fax: 906-932-5745
Housing and Rental Rehabilitation Programs
Mi Neighborhood (MIN)
The City of Ironwood is receiving $160,000 from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority to rehabilitate the exterior of 4+ properties in the Douglas & Curry neighborhoods of the City of Ironwood. Anyone interested in the program please to fill out the application below and submit to or mail to 213 S. Marquette St., Ironwood, MI 49938. Applications will be accepted until April 11, 2025.
Homeowner Forms & Information
MIN Homeowner Application
MIN Neighborhood Map
MIN Household Income Certification Form
MIN Homeowner Certification
MIN Release of Information
MIN Demographic Information
MIN Lead Paint Disclosure Form
MIN Program Guidelines
Housing Rehabilitation Toolkit
Are you interested in improving your property located in the City of Ironwood? See our OFFICIAL Housing Rehabilitation Toolkit to see resources that may be available to you, to get your project off the ground!
More Info
Community Development Staff is available to assist you which include Tim Erickson and Dennis Hewitt.
For information regarding Section 3 see the City of Ironwood Section 3 Implementation Plan.
Other housing programs available include:
Gogebic-Ontonagon Community Action
Staff Contact
Tim Erickson
Community Development Assistant
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 125
Fax: 906-932-5745
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Ironwood Industrial Development
Tax Incentives
Industrial Facilities Exemption P.A. 198 - 50% real property tax abated up to 12 years.
New Personal Property Exemption P.A. 328 - 100% personal property tax abated for up to 15 years.
Michigan personal Property Tax Reform
Staff Contact
Tom Bergman
Community Development Director
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 126
Fax: 906-932-5745
City of Ironwood Plans
Gogebic County and City of Ironwood Flood Mitigation Plan
Parks and Recreation Plan
US 2 Corridor Visual Enhancement Plan
US 2 Highway Corridor Access Management Plan
Western Upper Peninsula Regional Prosperity Plan
Staff Contact
Tom Bergman
Community Development Director
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 126
Fax: 906-932-5745
City of Ironwood Surplus Property
The City of Ironwood, per Strategy 6.11(c) of its Comprehensive Plan, has adopted the following policies by resolution on the sale of surplus property. If you have questions or are interested in City property please contact Community Development Director Michael J. D. Brown.
Resolution 014-043 Surplus Property Policy
Resolution 014-049 Tier I Surplus Property
Staff Contact
Tom Bergman
Community Development Director
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 126
Fax: 906-932-5745
City of Ironwood Zoning Regulations
Prior to conducting any building improvements, construction/development of property, or opening or expansion of a business please check with the Community Development and Building Departments to determine if permits are requried. The following require approvals and permits.
1. Business Licenses
Business Licenses are required for all businesses conducting business in the City of Ironwood. Please submit the following Application to the City Clerk’s Office.
2. Building Permits
Building Permits may be required depending on the construction activities. Please contact the Building Department to determine if a permit is required. Prior to issuance of a building permit approvals from the Planning Commission may be required as outlined below.
3. Planning Commission
The following Planning Commission approvals are required prior to proceeding with construction/development of property. Please contact the Community Development Department to determine if your project requires approval. Requirements can be found in the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to submitting a Zoning Application, please contact the Community Development Department to discuss your project and the application process.
- Site Plan Development Review
- Special/Conditional Use Permit
- Sale of Surplus Property
- Zoning Amendment
- Zoning Text Amendment
- Rezoning of Property
4. Zoning Board of Appeals
If a variance or appeal is required requirements can be found in the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to submitting a Zoning Application, please contact the Community Development Department to discuss your project and the application process.
To help you determine the steps needed for your construction project, please review the provided site plan review checklists below:
- Site Plan Review Checklist
- Sketch Plan Review Checklist - Administratively Approved
Staff Contact
Tom Bergman
Community Development Director
213 S. Marquette St.
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 x 126
Fax: 906-932-5745