The City of Ironwood is soliciting bids for the Longyear Park Playground Project to include Children’s Standalone Playground Structures, Playground Retention Border, and Compacted Engineered Wood Fiber.
The playground equipment shall be bid as a performance specification. The bidder shall provide a complete list of equipment being provided, shall provide a drawing clearly showing the proposed equipment and its layout. A complete equipment package (installed) shall be identified for a bid amount of $74,000.00. Multiple proposals (maximum of (4) four) per agency may be provided.
Sealed offers will be received by the Ironwood City Clerk in the Memorial Building, Ironwood, Michigan 49938, until 11:00 A.M. local time Thursday, April 10, 2025, at which time the bids shall be read aloud. Emailed bids are accepted to
Bid documents may be obtained from the Ironwood City Clerk, Memorial Building, Ironwood, Michigan 49938.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
Download Bid Spec