Welcome to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Website!

The City of Ironwood is undergoing a 2024 Comprehensive Plan process to update the current plan completed in 2014. This website will be updated regularly with information regarding the planning process and, most importantly, how you can get involved.

Community Survey!

The Community Survey is open for your input.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Parks & Rec
Parks & Rec
Land Use
Land Use
Civic Facilities
Civic Facilities

What is a comprehensive plan?

The Ironwood Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that provides a framework for local decision making and informs the direction of Ironwood’s future. The Plan helps guide investment, growth, development, and redevelopment throughout Ironwood, offering a broad vision for the community and specific policies, goals, and strategies for how to achieve that vision.

Comprehensive plans cover topics including land use, transportation, infrastructure and civic facilities, parks and recreation, and community development. The plan helps us understand the big picture of where Ironwood is at today and where we want to be in the future.

Throughout the planning process, community input is essential. Participating in the comprehensive planning process is a key way you can help guide the future of Ironwood. Keep an eye out for updates on this website and around town for how you can share your thoughts, provide feedback, and engage with Ironwood’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update.

Ironwood Michigan Comprehensive Plan