April 16, 2020

Dear Ironwood Business Owners,

Monday was the beginning of open enrollment for unemployment for self-employed individuals. If you are interested in this please visit the following website.  https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-78421_97241_98585—,00.html

The State is starting the planning process for how to reopen our economy. The following link is a way to give the State feedback on how we can safely open up our businesses. Hopefully this will lead to a thoughtful and expedient reopening of our businesses. https://www.misafeworkplaces.com/

It is still a good time to reach out to our federal representatives as they contemplate the next Economic Relief Package. They can be contacted at the addresses below.

Richard Rossway (Bergman): Richard.Rossway@mail.house.gov

Katelyn Rader (Peters): Katelyn_Rader@peters.senate.gov

Jay Gage (Stabenow): jay_gage@stabenow.senate.gov

As new opportunities arise we will continue to keep everyone updated. Keep checking the update906.com website for business relief information as well the Small Business Administration Website for information on the Disaster Relief Loans and the Payroll Protection Program.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans can be accessed through the SBA website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/

If you are interested in the Paycheck Protection Program please contact your local certified lender.

As always, if you have any questions you are welcome to contact me by email or phone at bergmant@cityofironwood.org or at 906-285-9013.

Take care everyone,

Thomas Bergman
Community Development Director

City of Ironwood
213 S. Marquette Street
Ironwood, MI 49938
906-932-5050 ext. 126